A Message from the Ring Master

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ladies and Gentleman, Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals , Transgenders, and Transvestites, People and animals of all shapes, sizes and species, it is with great and orgasmic pleasure that I present to you Barnum & Scrooge! The Greatest Blog on Earth!

How can I claim it so? Well… can you name anyone else who claims the name? WELL FUCK THEM! My name is Mister Scrooge and I don’t give a rat’s ass about what you think! If you don’t like my bitching then get far away before I hit you with my steel cane, good for nothing low-life! And don’t even try to solicit money from me, for your “bake sales” or for the “Ms. Blogalandia Beauty Pageant” coz I DON’T GIVE MONEY! I like money… my precious.

Enjoy the show or I’ll make sure you join dear old Mr. Barnum swimming with the fishies.

That is all.

Mister Scrooge


loudcloud said...

people should avoid this blog if they care about their sanity.